Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ziggy, ZigMan, the Zigster, MR. Man, Zig


Ziggy is a good friend of ours from Montana. He's a crazy man, a real animal! You name it he loves to do it, especially if it involves food. His Mom Sue and I are giving him appropriate homage in one pic with Luna and Bob rounding out the group of "usual suspects."
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1 comment:

  1. To Whom It May Concern,

    My name is Susan Williams and I have known Carol Martin as a friend and as a dog sitter for about 9 years. We have a beloved black lab named Ziggy who is our only “child”. It was actually Ziggy who met Carol and her own dog first and this is how we ultimately became friends.

    She was our only dogsitter during the winters we spend Whitefish , MT. We have no actual children, so our dog is literally our baby and we would never go away and leave him in a kennel or for that matter with just any dog sitter. He has a routine and he likes to stick to it and Carol took care of him as if he were her own “child”.

    Carol is not your typical dogsitter. Our dog does not nap all day while she’s out doing her own thing. He gets his usual 2 long (45 minutes each) snowshoe hikes a day and he also gets his cuddle time with Carol. It’s not because of the money that Carol does this, it’s her amazing passion for all animals. She doesn’t give him treats unnecessarily and she continues the same training regimen that we’ve always done with Ziggy. I can’t stress enough how relaxed we are when he’s in her care. We’ve had other dog sitters in the past and could tell from signs in Ziggy’s behavior that it didn’t work. He’s not used to being alone for more than 2 hours and he likes to go on car rides so anyplace Carol needed to run to, she took him with her.

    Carol is a delightful, caring, fun person that follows instructions well, and is of course, very responsible with the care of our “baby”. It was a true blessing that Ziggy found Carol and every time he sees her he gets very excited and a little spark in his eyes as do we. I know he’s in the best hands and both my husband and I can confidently recommend Carol Martin as a top notch dogsitter of which there is no comparison.


    Susan Williams

    PO Box 25300

    Rochester , NY 14625

